Susan Page - Owner/Photographer

Susan is a Lehigh Valley native; mom of two kids, one in high school and one in college, who are wonderful, crazy busy, beautiful and going in 10 different directions at once. She’s also a cheerleader and sometimes a roadie/to her best friend, side-kick, partner for life and partner in crime, Mr. Hutchison. She loves to work a little too much (a lot too much if you ask Mr. Hutchison), but in her downtime she can binge-watch Netflix and Amazon like a boss. She’s a lover of dark chocolate and dirty martinis, and if you want to get her to follow you somewhere just wave a jar of Nutella in front of her and slowly walk away. She’ll follow you. Anywhere. Promise.

Susan discovered the love of portrait photography from her dad as a kid, pursued it through college while getting her BA from Temple University back when everything was done on film and in the darkroom (the good ‘ole days!), and after a divorce and a massive life do-over came full circle with opening her studio in 2012. Her superpower is posing and expression coaching, her passion is helping empower women, and her “why”…why she specializes in boudoir…is the powerful, life-changing confidence and connection her clients experience when she helps them find a part of themselves they forgot was there, or never knew existed.

Susan is a proud member of the Professional Photographers of America. She’s also an award winning and published member of the Association of International Boudoir Photographers (AIBP); a group moderator for AIBP and an administrator for internationally known photographer Sue Bryce’s Under The Covers boudoir photographers groups on Facebook.


Alyssa Keyser - In-House Hair & Makeup Artist


Emilie Ujvary - In-House Hair & Makeup Artist


Amber Waters - In-House Hair & Makeup Artist


Brynn Leabold - Studio Assistant