When you're looking to reconnect with your inner goddess you've come to the right place.  Let us help you find that sultry, feminine part of you again, you know...that part that maybe you've forgotten is in there, or are not even sure you have (you do!). Even if you're doing this as a gift for that special someone, you'll find this is going to be every bit as much, or MORE, a gift you're giving YOURSELF.  Women of all ages and styles come to us from all over to find themselves again and experience the incredible life-changing Boudoir Experience that we offer. Listen to what some of our clients who have come before you have to share about their Boudoir Experience!


My Girl’s Day Out boudoir experience was one of the most liberating experiences I’ve ever had! I have never felt so comfortable in my own skin, I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world! Even though I was so nervous at first, Susan and her team made me feel so confident, sexy and at ease as I walked around in my underwear all day. Again, thank you and keep doing what you’re doing!


The girls in the studio really enjoyed working together as a team which really makes you feel at ease, which was so important for me since I am not used to being the center of attention and try to stay away from the front of a camera.  They were very welcoming and professional, and very fun.  Susan is incredibly detail oriented.  The glimpses of images I got to see throughout the day were shocking,  I didn’t think I could look like that!  Women tend to get stuck in the mommy rut and forget that there is a woman inside.  It was definitely a great experience and would recommend it to everyone!




I wanted to give my fiancé something awesome for a wedding gift! He’s going to love it! Susan was amazing! She knows how to put you in positions that are flattering and that will make great photos.I was shocked and amazed the way they looked! I’m so excited for m fiancé to see these sexy pics!
This session definitely helped change how I felt about myself. I always felt somewhat self-conscious about my body but when I saw the photos, they looked amazing and SO DID I!! Loved them.


You have no idea what a gift this has been to someone like me, who looks in the mirror and cannot understand why anybody calls me beautiful or especially hates me for it. It's like you think you're crazy. And I guess it is a kind of insanity. You know, more women survivors of childhood sexual trauma should do this. I went to Susan Page Studios for healing. It was a lot to ask of her, and it was much more to ask of myself. It was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. To expose myself, to force myself to look at myself the way that others see me, and to show others myself, seemed a superhuman task. And I almost didn't make it. But I did it. And in the end, she showed me what I really look like. I'm not perfect. I don't have to be. But I am as beautiful as people have been telling me that I am all my life. And that is good enough.


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Since my boudoir experience I really feel comfortable in my own skin now... this is me! And that’s what I wanted from this; to accept who I am. I’ve always been a lot self-conscious about my body. My fiancé loves my body and always says so, but I didn’t see it.  I did this as a gift for my fiancé, but now I realize that the biggest reward is mine! If you’re thinking about doing a boudoir session, do it!! Just do it! Do it for a loved one. Do it for yourself!! You will not regret it. I promise.


My Girl’s Day Out boudoir experience made me feel so empowered. It’s unforgettable! If you’re nervous just go with it, it’ll be a gift like no other! The final images, and the look on my husband’s face when I presented him with the photos was my favorite part! The experience of opening his surprise gift of my images was probably on the top two best things of his life! I know that’s crazy, but he STILL talks about the images!




I decided to do a boudoir session to build my confidence, self esteem and learn how to be comfortable in my own skin.  I never associated myself with the word pretty, desirable or confident until these images.  Susan is the absolute best and makes you feel completely comfortable from the moment you walk in! I saw myself in a new way. The session made me feel like a model for a day, I felt absolutely beautiful!  When I saw my images they reminded me that I can be sexy again, that I am more than just the overtired, yoga wearing momma.


I've always been the tomboy. Natural, no make-up, never doing anything special with my hair. I just never felt like the pretty girl! I struggled my whole life with never feeling like anything more than a tomboy. After a particularly rough time in my life I saw a post of the most gorgeous women pop up on facebook, a picture that Susan had taken. I sat for a while thinking, “I wonder if she can make me feel beautiful again?” It was a leap I was terrified to take.  But after talking with Susan I knew I needed to do this for me! 

It was the greatest thing I could have even done for myself. There were so many emotions that went through my head. I remember wanting to back out the day before. But knew that I needed to do this. The photo shoot was amazing. They girls made me feel like I belonged there. They gave me a feeling of family again. Susan and her staff are wonderful! I look at these photos that were taken, and the courage it took for me to take them, and it’s made me a stronger woman.  I can honestly say, DAMN TOMBOY YOU ROCKED IT!